8/31/2020 to 9/15/2020 - Tree Removal Project 2020
Location: Both North and South Common Areas
There are approximately 56 trees currently that are severely diseased or have died from disease. Kramer Tree Company will be coming around the community’s common areas and removing the worst trees currently standing. Kramer Tree Company will be starting the week of August 31 and the affected trees will be marked with a large white circle at the base of the trunk. These trees could be in areas shadowing your backyard or along common parts. We realize that you may be shocked by the transformation; however, again, due to the trees either dying off or riddled with disease, the HOA does not have a choice but to remove them. The Board is working on a detailed plan with the landscapers and tree company to find a replacement solution; if possible. In some case removing the diseased tree will allow the surrounding tree to flourish and therefore a replacement tree is not warranted.

The Board of Directors have been informed that there are several additional trees that need to be removed from the community; however, this is a continuous project that will take a few seasons to complete. Please bear with us as management, the Board, the landscapers, and the tree specialists are working diligently to modify and beautify your community.

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